
Elderly Care Services is a provider of homecare based in the North of England.

Started in 2012, with a mission to provide an excellent quality of care and raise the standards of an industry which leaves many questions unanswered.

We are dedicated to care at home, and our management team based in Leeds focuses on ensuring a high standard throughout the region, while keeping a local-feel to each service.

Our different packages of service allow you the choice of staying independent and living in your home, knowing you will benefit from a high standard of care quality and services.

All of our services are delivered by a well-trained and qualified workforce of care professionals. All have the proper experience, training, and back-ground checks to work in your home.

Our clients can also be confident in the fact that we are fully Care Quality Commission (CQC) certified to provide care at home, and that the care they receive will meet the highest quality standards.

If you would like more information about how you can continue to live independently in your home with our support, please contact us.