Home Care Services…
Home Help:
When dealing with illness or immobility, it can be difficult to carry out the day-to-day activities you were accustomed to doing easily on your own. Our Home Help is created to support you in your day-to-day living as well as provide you with encouragement and support you emotionally so that you can keep living independently. Read more
Live-in Care:
A home retains many memories, whether it is memories of children and loved ones or any other of the many things that make your home a relaxing or happy place for you. The thought of leaving your home can be worrying, especially with the myth that the only viable option when faced with reduced independence is moving to a residential/nursing home. Read more
Social Companionship:
Understandably, you would prefer to stay in your own home. It is where you feel relaxed, happy and comfortable. However, as family members grow older and move out into their own homes, your house may not be as busy as it once was, & you don’t have so many people on hand for extra help when you need it. Read more
Hospital to Home Care:
Hospital to home schemes have been identified as enabling safe and timely discharge from hospital to home by councils, health services and health commissioning groups. Elderly Care Services provides an Enhanced level of support to assist with practical support for people leaving hospital to enable Read more
Specialist Care:
Dementia doesn’t have to stop you living at home. Elderly Care Services is committed to helping people affected by dementia live happily, safely and securely in their own home. Currently there are over 750,000 people in the UK diagnosed with dementia. It is estimated that by 2025 this figure will have increased to over 1 million. Dementia does not Read more
Holiday Care:
Unwind and take life as it comes, perhaps venture out and about to explore the many attractions of the local area and spend a lazy day at the beach. Everyone deserves a holiday, holidays are a time to renew and refresh, as well as spend time with friends and family. Limited mobility should not deprive you of a wonderful and fulfilling holiday. Read more
Night Sitting Service:
At Elderly Care Services we provide a personal night sitting service customised to your needs. We offer two levels of night care services; Waking Night and Sleeping Night, by so doing you can be assured that the night time hours for you or your loved one passes with comfort and confidence. Elderly care night sitting service can be provided Read more
Respite Care and Support:
Elderly Care respite care service allows primary carers, family members or friend to take time away from their everyday duties to relax, go on holiday or just have a few hours break. We understand that being a regular carer for a loved one can make it difficult to arrange some respite for yourself and you may feel apprehensive Read more
Palliative Care / End of Life Care:
What is end of life care? There are a number of terms used when describing care that people may need as they approach the end of life. There is a lot of overlap and often they are used synonymously so it can be confusing. End of life care is about the total care of a person with an advanced incurable illness and does Read more